Installation and Usage

For a working implementation, you can view the example project on Github.

Install django-hitcount:

pip install django-hitcount

Add django-hitcount to your INSTALLED_APPS, enable SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST:



# needed for django-hitcount to function properly

In your file add the following:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'hitcount/', include('hitcount.urls', namespace='hitcount')),

View the additional settings section for more information.

Template Magic

Django-Hitcount can utilize Javascript out-of-the-box to record the Hits to an object (be it a blog post, poll, etc). There is a jQuery implementation included with the app though you could write your own implementation, or copy-paste the one included, easily enough.

Start by loading hitcount tags on the desired templates:

{% load hitcount_tags %}

Recording a Hit

If you want to use the jQuery implementation in your project, you can add the Javascript file to your template like so:

{% load staticfiles %}
<script src="{% static 'hitcount/hitcount-jquery.js' %}"></script>

Then, on your object detail page (blog, page, poll, etc) you inject the needed javascript variables:

# use default insertion method for hitcount-jquery.js:
{% insert_hit_count_js_variables for object %}

# or you can use a template variable to inject as you see fit
{% get_hit_count_js_variables for object as hitcount %}
({ hitcount.ajax_url }}
{{ }}

Displaying Hit Information

You can retrieve the number of hits for an object many different ways:

# Return total hits for an object:
{% get_hit_count for [object] %}

# Get total hits for an object as a specified variable:
{% get_hit_count for [object] as [var] %}

# Get total hits for an object over a certain time period:
{% get_hit_count for [object] within ["days=1,minutes=30"] %}

# Get total hits for an object over a certain time period as a variable:
{% get_hit_count for [object] within ["days=1,minutes=30"] as [var] %}